August 07, 2013

Stinky Smells

I had been told, back in 2003, when I moved to Clayton, GA that I would be more likely to see a bear than a deer. Same thing was told to me when we moved to Oconee County, SC in 2007. I now live in one community and work in the other. I have seen hundreds of deer. never a bear. That is, until last night.

On the way home from picking the boys up from the North Walhalla Church of God VBS we saw a bear cub crossing the road. And then we hit a skunk.

The skunk had apparently been hit by another car first but didn't spray until we came upon it a moment later. My car stinks. I have washed it twice. It appears to have the order inside the cabin vent system. If I can't get the stinky smell out of the car, I will need to do something...I may seek some advice soon...

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